Central Agri Group
Beef Primal Processor
1 Plant in Victoria, Australia
Emydex customer from 2016 – 2024 (8 years)
“In 2016 Central Agri Group re-opened a newly refurbished beef plant in Trafalgar, trading as Victoria Valley Meat Exports. This is a state of the art, fully integrated, beef processing plant in Victoria, Australia. The Emydex kill line system went live shortly after opening, running on data capture computers including an NLIS scanning station that checks the animal status in real -time against the NLIS database through to Dentition, Carcass defect and Weigh-Grading stations.
The Emydex roll-out was one of the smoothest IT system rollouts I have ever been involved in. Even if you take the minor changes made, the system worked as intended with little to no intervention. The operators all responded positively and actively engaged with both the Emydex team and the software system.
Well done Emydex on reaching the 20-years in business milestone, we look forward to our future successes working together.”
Read: Kill line live in Central Agri Group, Australia (2018)...

Rami Koyu
Managing Director
Central Agri Group
Central Agri Group is one of Australia’s leading fully integrated beef farming, backgrounding, feed lotting, and meat processing companies. Established in 1991, the business has developed a loyal and strong global and domestic network of customers and partners, delivering high-quality beef products to over 50 export markets.
Central Agri Group is a national business with modern meat processing facilities and on-site cold storage capabilities. The company comprises three export abattoirs in Victoria, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory, as well as farms and feedlots located at Joanna Plains in Western Australia and Batchelor in the Northern Territory.
If you want to learn more – contact Emydex in any of our global market offices in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or North America