Dawn Meats Group
Beef & Lamb Primal Processor
10 plants in Ireland
Emydex customer from 2005 - 2024 (19 years)
“For 20 years Dawn Meats and Emydex have been in a symbiotic partnership, during which time the Emydex solutions have been able to be quickly adapted to changes within both our industry and business. This agility is one of the key benefits to us, of a modern solution that is both written and maintained by people that understand meat processing.
Based on our experience to date, I fully expect that in 20 years, Dawn Meats will be congratulating Emydex on 40 successful years in business! For now, we congratulate Emydex on all that they have achieved in 20 years and wish them continued success.
Emydex are not just a supplier of software to Dawn Meats. At this stage we have friendships that endure outside the workplace.”

Shane Slattery
Group CIO
Dawn Meats Group
Dawn Meats is a family-owned business that was established in 1980 in Co. Waterford. Dawn Meats supplies major retailers, manufacturers & foodservice businesses, located in over 50 countries around the world. The company employs more than 8,000 people, working in a dozen countries.
The company operates ten sites in Ireland and 13 sites in the UK. Dawn Meats group processes 300,000 tonnes of meat per annum, including 1 million cattle and 3.5 million sheep per annum.
Supplied by 30,000 farmers, the company has an annual turnover of over Euro 2.5 billion and contributes approximately €1.67 bn to rural Economies in Ireland and the UK.
If you want to learn more – contact Emydex in any of our global market offices in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or North America