Dawn Pork & Bacon, Waterford, Ireland recently upgraded to the latest version of the Emydex iWAMS platform, version 3.2, giving Dawn P&B enhanced functionality around dynamic reporting and data grids, in addition to much improved system processing speeds. A new automatic scanning system introduced allows boxes to be scanned into stock automatically improving productivity at the plant.
As part of the upgrade Dawn also switched over from use of their existing Sales Order processing system to the Emydex SO system, and now have much greater visibility of their Yields through delivery of a full set of Yield reports specifically customised for Dawn Pork & Bacon’s requirements. In tandem with this upgrade, Emydex also developed a new Weighbridge system for Dawn to manage truck deliveries to the site. Using the new Weighbridge system Dawn can verify dispatch weights against weights at the bridge, eliminating potentially costly mistakes.
Commenting on the upgrade project, Alan Doocey, IT project manager with Dawn Pork & Bacon said
“we’re now a long way from where we were a few years ago when we were running on a previous system that was outdated, expensive to run and not receptive to making changes to suit our changing business. We chose to replace Multiflex with the Emydex system for its ease of use, flexibility to make system changes, and integrate with any type of hardware or third party systems. I’m extremely pleased we made that decision”.
For more information on the Emydex kill line system click here or contact Emydex on +353 1 8855990