MeatCo - Namabia
Beef Primal Processor,
4 plants, Namibia, Africa
Emydex customer from 2011 – 2024 (13 years)
“Meatco’s Journey with Emydex started 13 years ago in mid-2011, when we were looking to replace our then ageing Production System. After much research, Emydex was the obvious choice as they could utilise our current hardware which significantly reduced our total cost of ownership.
Meatco was then the first plant to have Emydex installed in Africa, which came with its own challenges, but Emydex approached each challenge professionally, and no task was too big or too small. Over the past 13 years Emydex’s support and dedication was/is unwavering, and they have always been willing to assist where needed, whether it be in support or development of new products. Currently we have Emydex installed at eight of our plants spread across Namibia.
Emydex is a Fit for Purpose product that complements our business. With Dave, James, and the Emydex team, our customers have confidence in our product, knowing that we can fully guarantee the quality and trace our products from farm to fork. We look forward to many more Fruitful years with Emydex by our side.”

Grant Mitchell
IT Manager: Production Systems
Meat Corporation of Namibia
The Meat Corporation of Namibia (‘MeatCo’) is Namibia’s largest Beef processing organisation, operating four beef processing plants within the region including Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. The two year, Euro 300k contract includes Emydex system rollouts to Meatco’s two export approved slaughter and boning plants in Windhoek and Okahandja, as well as two further non-export abattoirs in Katima and Oshakati that are owned by the Namibian government but managed by Meatco.
Emydex went live in the Windhoek beef deboning plant in March 2014, which was the first of an eight-phase project that will see Emydex systems rolled out across MeatCo’s six beef processing operations, that includes a Wholesale beef processing plant and a cannery, both on the Windhoek site, as well as integrating to the Table Bay Cold Store in South Africa.
If you want to learn more – contact Emydex in any of our global market offices in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, or North America