Oliver Carty was set up in 1960 by Oliver Carty and is now run by his son Ted Carty. Located in Athlone, Co. Roscommon in Ireland, Oliver Carty produce a range of value add retail products for the majority of Ireland’s leading retailers. They are the biggest producer of bacon and rashers in Ireland, and have won numerous awards for their products including Best Organic Meat Product, Super Valu’s Irish Food producer of the year (2011).
Oliver Carty contacted Emydex in early 2011 with a requirement to replace their existing Production Management Software systems supplied by a number of different software companies with a single system to manage their entire production process spread across their two factories. “We operated an amalgamation of three different systems which was extremely slow to use, and gave little in the way of data and reporting” Justin Lennon, Key Accounts manager with Oliver Carty explained. The original systems in place at Oliver Carty’s included an Intake system, a separate warehousing dispatch system and a Scanvaegt system comprising multiple end-of-line box labelling stations.
After a site visit and analysis of their existing systems, Emydex proposed to implement their replacement Production Management system in two initial project phases.
In phase one Emydex’s Warehouse Management system was implemented running in parallel with their existing Intermec dispatch system. After a few days of successful parallel running the Intermec system was switched off. The system was then extended to cover the intake of raw materials and dry goods; together with dry goods and finished goods stock control which allowed the existing Intake system to be removed. The Emydex Warehousing system was integrated to their existing Scanvaegt packing stations to retrieve packing transaction data, as well as interfaced to their in-house financial system to retrieve sales orders, purchase orders as well as master data files such as products, customers, suppliers and depots etc.
Phase 2 of the Emydex implementation covered the replacement of Oliver Carty’s Scanvaegt system with Emydex packing station software, adding new production management functionality including line yield reporting and packing against production orders. “When dealing with the retail sector it is vitally important to be able to give our customers the information they are looking for and to do so quickly. Since we moved to Emydex we have been able to provide an array of information to ourselves and our customers in a matter of seconds. Also the time taken to scan an order has halved” said Justin Lennon
Now that the Emydex implementation has bedded in, Oliver Carty have opted to replace their existing financial system with Microsoft Dynamics NAV financials using Emydex’s recently developed bridging software to NAV (called a NAV granule) built in conjunction with Microsoft NAV gold partner company, Simply Dynamics. “The benefits of implementing NAV with Emydex is NAV can handle variable/catch weights better than most other financial packages on the market, and leaves Oliver Carty scope to extend their NAV system into other areas of the business such as CRM for example”, said David McMahon, CEO with Emydex.
For more information on the Emydex system click here or contact Emydex on +353 1 8855990